General Comments(4)
Thoracic aortic pathologies(73)
Abdominal Aortic Pathologies(37)
Iliac Aortic Pathologies(35)
Multiple Pathologies(17)
Imaging Research(13)
Hemodynamic Research(5)
Device Research(36)
Branched Stent Graft(62)
Delivery System(1)
Open Endovascular Stent Graft(0)
Laws & Regulations(1)
Ruptured Solitary Iliac Artery Aneurysm...
Heartbeat-related displacement of the th..
Acute abdominal aortic dissection-Insigh..
Novel sutureless telescoping anastomosi..
Monitoring of Clopidogrel-Related Platel..
Personalised imaging and biomechanical m..
Arch Aneurysm Repair With Long Elephant ..
The role of arterial smooth muscle in va..
Serious complications following endovasc..
Endovascular intervention in thoracic ar..
Endovascular Repair of an Aortic Arch An..
(作者:W. A. ten Cate 刊发时间:2008-05)(查看:4404 下载:1)
(作者:S.Mu!§ller-Schun,J.Linn,N.Peters,M.Spannagl,M.Deis 刊发时间:2008-04)(查看:4396 下载:2)
(作者:Igor B. Buchwalow, Sona Cacanyiova, Joachim Neuman[|]Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communica 刊发时间:2008-10)(查看:4288 下载:4)
概述:The concept of [GrenOpen Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor GrenClose][RedOpenendothelium-derived relaxing factor RedClose](EDRF) implies that nitric oxide (NO) produced by NO synthase (NOS) in the endothelium in response to vasorelaxants such as acetylcholine (ACh) acts on the underlying vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) inducing vascular relaxation.The EDRF concept was derived from experiments on denuded blood vessel strips and, in frames of this concept,VSMC were regarded as passive recipi
(作者:Tim F. Webera, Maria-Katharina Gantenb, Dittmar Bö 刊发时间:2008-07)(查看:4237 下载:2)
概述:Purpose: The purpose of this study was to characterize the heartbeat-related displacement of the thoracic aorta in patients with chronic aortic dissection type B (CADB). Materials and methods: Electrocardiogram-gated computed tomography angiographywas performed during inspiratory breath-hold in 11 patients with CADB: Collimation 16mm×1mm,pitch 0.2, slice thickness 1mm, reconstruction increment 0.8mm. Multiplanar reformations were taken for 20 equidistant time instances through both ascending (AA
(作者:Rob Krams Æ Marcel Breeuwer Æ Frans van de Vosse[|] 刊发时间:2008-11)(查看:4235 下载:6)
概述:The large blood vessels are crucial for blood flow distribution in the body but they may be subjected to disease processes like atherosclerosis, and consequences thereof like aneurysm formation, stroke, and myocardial infarction.These diseases are associated to a majority of the mortality of cardiovascular disease, which may be as high as 33% of overall disease related mortality. The function of these blood vessels has successfully been studied in the framework of biology, physics, and imaging.
(作者:Beate Neuhauser 刊发时间:2007-10)(查看:4175 下载:15)
概述:To describe our experience with endovascular stent-graft repairs in type B aortic dissection focusing on serious secondary complications resulting in immediate or late conversion to open repair. Methods: From November 1997 to May 2007, 28 patients underwent a thoracic endovascular stent-graft procedure for acute symptomatic type B dissection at our institution. Indication for endovascular repair at our department is a complicated course of type B dissection, including thoracic aortic rupture,
(作者:Santi Trimarchi; Thomas Tsai 刊发时间:2007-11)(查看:4106 下载:0)
概述:Isolated acute dissection of the abdominal aorta is an unusual event that may present with several different clinical scenarios. Because its incidence is low, the natural history is unknown. We report data from the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection(IRAD), the largest group of patients treated for acute aortic dissections. The aim of this study was to identify clinical characteristics, therapeutic approaches, risk factors for mortality, in-hospital outcome, and long-term results o
(作者:Pier Paolo Zanetti,Paolo Loddo,Giovanni Ciuffo,Sal 刊发时间:2003-09)(查看:4105 下载:3)(在线阅读
概述:My colleagues and I propose a simple and reproducible technique to achieve optimal exposure and mobilization of the distal aortic arch and proximal descending thoracic aorta in the first stage of the elephant trunk procedure. The technique uses division of the ligamentum arteriosum and a series of circumferential pledgeted traction stitches on the segment of aorta selected for the distal anastomosis.
(作者:Eric K. Hoffer[|] 刊发时间:2008-07)(查看:4101 下载:6)
概述:Summary: The management of thoracic vascular injury has improved dramatically over the past two decades. The availability of multi-row detector CT has facilitated early diagnosis and incorporation of minimally invasive endograft repair for traumatic aortic injury has improved mortality and paraplegia rates. This review evaluates the available data on stent-graft repair of acute blunt traumatic aortic injury and traumatic great vessel injury with regard to safety and efficacy in comparison with
(作者:Konstantinos P. Donas, MD, Zoran Rancic, MD, Mario Lachat, MD, Thomas Pfammatter, MD, Thomas Frau 刊发时间:2009-09)(查看:4086 下载:5)
概述:Background: We report our clinical experience with the use of a sutureless telescoping anastomosis, initially described as the VORTEC (Viabahn Open Rebranching TEChnique) revascularization technique, for debranching of supra-aortic vessels. Methods: Between May 2005 and December 2008, 20 patients (15 men) with an aortic arch lesion underwent trans-sternal debranching with sutureless telescoping anastomosis performed with a Viabahn (diameter, 5-8 mm; length, 5-15 cm) or Hemobahn (diamet
(作者:Koichi Toda, MD,[|] 刊发时间:2009-08)(查看:4082 下载:23)
概述:Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Japan Labor Health and Welfare Organization Osaka Rosai Hospital, Sakai, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Rinku General Medical Center, Izumisano, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Hospital Organization, Osaka National Hospital, Osaka, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Takarazuka City Hospital, Takarazuka, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Japan
(作者:R. Brar[|] 刊发时间:2008-08)(查看:4057 下载:11)
概述:Introduction: Aortic arch aneurysm repair continues to pose a formidable technical challenge in a patient population with significant co-morbidity. Report: We present a successful endovascular repair of an 8.4 cm aortic arch aneurysm, in a 74 year old man, who’s previous median sternotomy showed signs of delayed healing, precluding open repair. Discussion: Applied endovascular techniques obviated the need for aortic clamping, cardiac bypass, or hypothermic circulatory arrest, via an approa
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