General Comments(4)
Thoracic aortic pathologies(73)
Abdominal Aortic Pathologies(37)
Iliac Aortic Pathologies(35)
Multiple Pathologies(17)
Imaging Research(13)
Hemodynamic Research(5)
Device Research(36)
Branched Stent Graft(62)
Delivery System(1)
Open Endovascular Stent Graft(0)
Laws & Regulations(1)
Patient Selection for Endovascular Abdom..
Rupture of left common iliac artery aneu..
Observations on the Failure of Stent-gra..
Endovascular Aortic Arch Repair After Ao..
Stent-graft design: the good, the bad an..
Have hybrid procedures replaced open ao..
Treatment of type II endoleaks associate..
Expert Consensus Document on the Treatme..
Complete Replacement of the Supraaortic ..
Circumferential Involvement of an Acute ..
Is Endovascular Repair of Mycotic Aortic..
Imaging of the Thoracic Aorta Before ..
(作者:Richard M Green, MD, 刊发时间:2002-01)(查看:3334 下载:3)
(作者:Timothy A. M. Chuter[|] 刊发时间:1900-01)(查看:3331 下载:14)
(作者:Thierry P. Carrel,Friedrich S. Eckstein,Jurg Schmi[|]Annual of thoracic surgery 刊发时间:2005-05)(查看:3331 下载:1)
概述:A 33-year-old female with Marfan syndrome presented in 1996 with acute peripartal aortic dissection. A composite graft was performed and intestinal resection had to be performed a few days later because of malperfusion-related ischemia. Recovery of the mother and the child was uneventful. In 2000, complete thoracoabdominal replacement was necessary because of expanding aneurysm Crawford type II, but the aortic arch was normal sized. The proximal anastomosis was performed at the level of the left
(作者:Katsuya Shimabukuro, MD, 刊发时间:2006-06)(查看:3330 下载:0)
(作者:Rita Karianna Milewski, MD, PhD, Wilson Y. Szeto, MD, Alberto Pochettino, MD, G. William Moser, CRNP 刊发时间:2010-02)(查看:3323 下载:0)
概述:Objective: Open total arch procedures have been associated with significant morbidity and mortality in patients with multiple comorbidities. Aortic arch debranching with endovascular graft placement, the hybrid arch proce- dure, has emerged as a surgical option in this patient population. This study evaluates the outcomes of a contem- porary comparative series from one institution of open total arch and hybrid arch procedures for extensive aortic arch pathology. Methods: From July 2000 to Ma
(作者:Robert G. Kayser Jr.,MBA, Derek R. Brinster,Mark S 刊发时间:2007-05)(查看:3321 下载:2)
概述:A case of a 35-year-old woman with acute circumferential type B aortic dissection is presented. A review of the literature demonstrated that circumferential aortic dissection is limited to a small number of case reports and a small case series of type A lesions. This is the first report of a circumferential type B dissection. The case highlights the need to fully evaluate patients with acute aortic dissection and illustrates the unique data provided by transesophageal echocardiography and helica
(作者:R.J. Hinchliffe,[|] 刊发时间:2007-10)(查看:3313 下载:4)
概述:The results of endovascular stent-grafts in the abdominal aorta and descending thoracic aorta have been encouraging. Expanding the use of thoracic stent-grafts in to the aortic arch has been associated with increasing numbers of complications. Recently isolated cases of stent-graft collapse have been reported.
(作者:Mark D. Peterson, MD, PhD, Grayson H. Wheatley, II 刊发时间:2008-05)(查看:3312 下载:2)
概述:Objective: Increasing experience with thoracic aortic stent grafts has led to a more aggressive approach to thoracic aortic pathologies in the distal aortic arch and proximal descending thoracic aorta. To increase the length of the proximal landing zone, it is sometimes necessary to cover the left subclavian artery with the thoracic stentgraft,introducing the risk of retrograde filling of the excluded aorta from the left subclavian artery. It is currently unclear how best to manage these patient
(作者:R.E. Clough,S.A. Black,O.T. Lyons,H.A. Zayed,R.E. 刊发时间:2009-02)(查看:3312 下载:1)
概述:Abstract Objective: Endovascular repair for degenerative aortic aneurysms is well established, but its role in those with infective pathology remains controversial. This study aims to assess the durability of endovascular repair with a review of our midterm results.
(作者:Ernst Weigang,Jack Parker,Martin Czerny,Ali A. Pei[|]Annual of thoracic surgery 刊发时间:2008-08)(查看:3311 下载:2)
概述:Purpose. Conventional surgical therapy of aortic arch aneurysms consists of aortic arch replacement requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.This method is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, mainly due to neurologic complications and the sequelae of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Thus, it makes sense to work on developing less invasive surgical techniques.
(作者:Joseph E. Bavaria, MD,[|] 刊发时间:2008-08)(查看:3310 下载:16)
(作者:Takuya Ueda, MD, PhD,* Dominik Fleischmann, MD,* Geoffrey D. Rubin, MD,* Michael D. Dake, MD,† a 刊发时间:2008-11)(查看:3305 下载:0)
概述:Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has become widely accepted as an important option for treatment of thoracic aortic diseases. Cross-sectional radiologic imaging plays a crucial role for evaluating a patient’s candidacy for planning of the intervention and for assessment of postprocedural results and complications of TEVAR. Recent advances in imaging technologies, in part inspired by advances in stent-graft technology, have drasti- cally changed the character and role
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