General Comments(4)
Thoracic aortic pathologies(73)
Abdominal Aortic Pathologies(37)
Iliac Aortic Pathologies(35)
Multiple Pathologies(17)
Imaging Research(13)
Hemodynamic Research(5)
Device Research(36)
Branched Stent Graft(62)
Delivery System(1)
Open Endovascular Stent Graft(0)
Laws & Regulations(1)
Variation in the shape and length of the..
Stent-Graft Repair in Acute and Chronic ..
Anesthetic Management of Percutaneous Ao..
Use of carotid–subclavian arterial bypa..
Type B aortic dissection after endovascu..
Endovascular management of type B aortic..
Operative Management of Ascending Aortic..
Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic ..
Iliac Pseudoaneurysm Stenting after Conv..
Aortic Arch Anomalies are Associated wit..
(作者:Ki-Hyuk Park, MD, Jade S. Hiramoto, MD, Linda M. Reilly, MD, Matthew Sweet, MD[|]Jounal of vascula 刊发时间:2009-09)(查看:13034 下载:14)
概述:Purpose: To describe variations in the shape, orientation, and length of the branches of multi-branched thoracoabdominal stent grafts. Method: The branches were constructed in situ by attaching a covered stent (Fluency Plus Tracheobronchial Stent Graft; Bard Peripheral Vascular, Tempe, Ariz) to each of four caudally-oriented cuffs on custom-made stent grafts. Pre- and postoperative computed tomography (CT) scans of 38 consecutively treated patients were analyzed using a three-
(作者:Steve Xydas, MD,a Benjamin Wei, MD,b Hiroo Takayama, MD,b Mark Russo, MD,b[|]Journal of thoracic and 刊发时间:2010-01)(查看:11793 下载:79)
概述:Objective: Total aortic arch replacement typically requires hypothermic circulatory arrest, carrying risks of ce- rebral ischemia. We recently introduced left carotid–subclavian bypass before total aortic arch replacement with thoracic stent grafting to achieve hybrid arch reconstruction with short periods of selective antegrade cerebral per- fusion. Methods: From 2004 to 2009, 332 patients underwent ascending aorta or arch replacements. Of these, 37 under- went total aortic arch replacement
(作者:Wison Y. Szeto, MD,Thomas G. Gleason, MD[|] 刊发时间:2005-06)(查看:11598 下载:15)
概述:Surgical management has been the established standard of care for acute ascending aortic dissection (Stanford type A or Debakey type I or II) with a worldwide average operative mortality rate of 23% compared with a 1-month mortality rate of 60% with medical management alone. Improving an institution’s operative results depends on the establishment of a comprehensive and specialized team integrating their expertise into a protocoldriven system of care delivery specific for aortic dissections. The
(作者:John Bozinovski,Scott A. LeMaire,Scott A. Weldon,J[|] 刊发时间:2007-07)(查看:11495 下载:52)(在线阅读
概述:Compared with aneurysms that are limited to the mid and distal descending thoracic aorta, those that extend up to or into the transverse aortic arch are more challenging to repair with open techniques.
(作者:Vikram Iyer, MD,Mark Rigby, MD, and George Vrabec Sr, MD[|]Jounal of vascular surgery 刊发时间:2009-08)(查看:11277 下载:5)
概述:Acute aortic dissection is rarely seen in the patient with a previously repaired abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). There are few reports of this in the literature after open aneurysmec- tomy,1,2 and to our knowledge, only one report after endo- vascular AAA repair (EVAR).3 Retrograde dissection was thought to be the cause in this latter case, and this has also been reported after angioplasty or stenting of the thoracic and abdominal aortas, renal arteries, and iliac arteries.4-9 We report
(作者:Roger M. Greenhalgh[|] 刊发时间:1900-01)(查看:10857 下载:38)
(作者:Stephan Kische, Ibrahim Akin, Hüseyin Ince, Tim C. Rehders, Henrik Schneider, Jasmin Ortak, and Chri 刊发时间:2008-01)(查看:10841 下载:25)
概述:horacic aortic endografting has demonstrated encouraging mid-term results and attracts growing acceptance as a valuable treatment option for chronic aneurysmal disease. The emerging role of endovascular strategies for management of acute thoracic aortic pathologies is even more exciting considering the sobering results of open repair. Although it is accepted that patients at high risk for open surgery will benefit from endovascular strategies, the exact role of stent-graft interventions remains
(作者:Paul D. DiMusto, MD, David M. Williams, MD, Himanshu J. Patel, MD, Santi Trimarchi, MD[|]Journal of 刊发时间:2010-06)(查看:10809 下载:10)
概述:There are approximately 9000 new cases of aortic dis- section in the United States each year. Uncomplicated type B aortic dissections are traditionally managed with medical therapy, controlling blood pressure and heart rate, with 30-day mortality rates between 4% and 10%. However, there is no consensus regarding the management of com- plicated (ie, presenting with malperfusion or refractory pain) type B dissections. Open surgical management of these patients carries an
(作者:K. Knobloch 刊发时间:)(查看:10299 下载:5)
(作者:Remo Daniel Covello,Giulia Maj,Giovanni Landoni,Fr 刊发时间:2008-12)(查看:10191 下载:6)
概述:Objective: To describe 6 months of experience in the anesthetic management of percutaneous aortic valve implantation.Design: An observational, cohort study. Setting: A university hospital.
(作者:George S.K. Fung 刊发时间:2008-01)(查看:9942 下载:25)(在线阅读
概述:In treating thoracic aortic diseases, endovascular repair involves the placement of a self-expanding stent-graft system across the diseased thoracic aorta. Computational fluid dynamic techniques are applied to model the blood flow by numerically solving the three-dimensional continuity equation and the time-dependent Navier–Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid. From our results, high blood pressure level and high systolic slope of the pressure waveform will significantly increase the
(作者:G.L. Faggioli, M. Ferri, A. Freyrie, M. Gargiulo,[|] 刊发时间:2007-04)(查看:9740 下载:10)
概述:It is known that complex aortic arch anatomy increases the technical difficulties of carotid stent procedures(CAS),1 and the risk of neurological complications,2however data on the impact of arch anomalies on technical success and clinical outcome are sparse. Aortic arch anomalies are not infrequent in the population.Bovine arch, where the origin of the left commoncarotid artery is from the brachiocephalic trunk, is encountered in 10%.3,4 We have analyzed a group of patients with arch anomalies
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