Aortic stenosis (AS) is currently the most common valvular abnormality in developed countries. The gold standard treatment of severe symptomatic AS is surgical aortic valve replacement. Mechanical valves were initially the prostheses of choice; with improvement of surgical technique and results, and increased durability of bioprosthetic valves, there has been a trend toward increasing use of bioprostheses. Concurrently, percutaneous technology has advanced exponentially, and the first human percutaneous aortic valve replacement (PAVR) became a reality in 2002. Various groups have now reported their early experiences with PAVR using different technologies. This new treatment modality is evolving very rapidly. There are currently 2 devices being used in clinical trials; several more devices have first-in-man results and others in preclinical development. It appears that PAVR will most likely become aviable option for selected patients in the near future. For these technologies to continue to improve and benefit patients, cross-specialty teamwork is vital. Treatment of severe AS will greatly evolve as these new and emerging technologies improve. Enhancement in device designs and increasing operator experience will make this technology safer and allow its application to a wider patient population.